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Sand and Salt Bins plastic 300kg Yellow


Tax 22%: 56.98

Price with tax: 315.98

Capacity: 300kg
Volume: 345 L
Depth: 970mm
Width: 1090mm
Hight: 1030mm
Weight: 27kg

Bins used for storing grit and salt in pedestrain traffic areas, bus and tram stops, railway stations, parking lots etc.
Designed with original construction and modern design so the bins can be placed almost anywhere. Easy to transport
and store as they are designed to be transported by forklift. At the end of winter empty bins can be stacked for next
season taking up little storage space. The grit and salt bins have been attested by the National Institute of Hygiene.

The bins have very good durability with their strong and rigid construction. Top quality polyethylene and modern
technology make the bins extremely resistant to mechanical damage and changing weather conditions (UV-stabilized
they will not fade in the sun). They are lightweight, do not corrode and do not contain any metal parts. They can also be used for storing other materials used to protect sidewalks and streets, such as sorbent.

SKU: 2113035304 Categories: ,

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